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For enhancing purchasing efficiency and maximizing profitability it's important to manage vendor pricing. Odoo 18 Purchase management module allows businesses to create vendor price-lists running the purchase process smoothly. 

These price lists allow you to set specific pricing for a product from a vendor for certain quantities, over a defined period of time, including discounts. Odoo 18 also allows you to set delivery lead times for products within the vendor price-list, ensuring timely deliveries.

In this blog post, we’ll look at the key aspects of Odoo 18’s Vendor Price-list Management, such as vendor price-list creation, lead time applicability, managing various prices for a product, and applying discounts. 

Go to Vendor price-lists

Go to Purchase Module > Configuration > Vendor Price-lists. 

Here, you can click Create to create a new price-list or analyze the list of price-lists that already exist.

Vendor Pricelist In Odoo

Here are the steps for Creating a New Price-list

* Vendor: Choose the merchant for whom you are making the price list. 

* Vendor Product Name: Define if the vendor's product name is different from the one in your system. This will show up on the request for quotation, or RFQ. If not, use the internal product name and leave it blank. 

* Vendor Product Code: Similarly, enter the vendor’s product code if it differs from your internal system. If both parties use different codes, this field becomes important for clarity. 

* Delivery Lead Time: After the order is confirmed, specify how many days it will take to arrive. 

* Product: Select the product for which the price-list is being generated. 

* Product Variant: To apply a price-list to a variant, select that specific variant if the price-list is only for it. 

* Quantity: Indicate the minimum quantity required to qualify for this pricing. 

* Unit Price: Indicate the cost of the chosen products from the vendor. 

* Discount: If the vendor provides a discount for bulk orders or special deals, the price-list might specify this. 

* Validity: Decide how long the price-list will last. It will be useful throughout this time. (For example: You can mention the start and end dates)

* Company: If you have multi-company functionality enabled, select the right company. 

Configure Vendor Pricelist

Make a price list for Wood Corner that includes the product ‘Large Cabinet,’ a quantity of 1, and a $750 unit cost. 

Once the vendor price-list is configured, click save to finish the process. 

Create RFQ Using Vendor Pricelist

Once the price-list has been created, let us generate a purchase order for the vendor, Wood Corner. Add the product ‘Large Cabinet’ (for which a price-list has been created) to your order. The product price will be automatically updated to $750, as stated in the price list. 

Lead Time Applicability in Vendor Price-list

Vendor Lead Times can be explicitly adjusted in the price-list configuration in Odoo 18. When generating purchase orders, this feature guarantees that the system computes anticipated delivery time-frames precisely. 

Vendor Lead Time: Refers to how many days it will take for a product to arrive after the order has been placed and confirmed. 

The projected arrival date of the purchase order can be automatically updated by setting the Delivery Lead Time in the price-list. 

For example, if you set a five-days lead time, Odoo will schedule the product’s receipt three days after the purchase order is confirmed. 

This lead time can be specified for each product in the vendor price-list ensuring that delivery times are exactly reflected in the purchase order. 

Leadtime In Vendor Pricelist

The expected delivery date is set five days after the order deadline since the purchase order specifies a five-day delivery lead time. 

Vendor pricelist With Delivery lead time

After validating the receipt and receiving the product, the expected date will be revised based on the vendor lead time listed below. 

Delivery Lead Time In Receipt

Handling Multiple Vendor Price-lists for One Product

It is typical to have a product linked to several vendor price-lists in the Odoo 18 purchasing module, where each vendor provides varying costs, quantities, and delivery schedules. 

When a purchase order is created, Odoo automatically selects a vendor, making managing various vendors' price-lists easier. 

When multiple vendors are listed under a product’s Purchase Tab, Odoo will automatically select the first seller in the list when issuing a purchase order. 

This means that if a vendor is not manually selected during the buy order creation process, the vendor at the top of the list will be prioritized and their pricing information will be applied to the order. 

Multiple Vendor Pricelist In Product

For instance, Wood Corner, Ready Mat and Azure Interior are the three vendors listed in the product configuration for the Large Cabinet. First on the list is Wood Corner, which sells for $750.00 per unit with a minimum order of 5.

Create RFQ With Multiple Pricelist

When a purchase order is created in Odoo for the product "Large Cabinet" without specifying a vendor in the RFQ, Odoo applies the top vendor's pricing and terms from the vendor price-list.

Because Wood Corner is at the top of the vendor price-list for the product, their pricing and terms are used by default when the product is selected. 

Multiple Vendors: When a product has several vendors linked to it, Odoo will give priority to the vendor at the top of the vendor list. This seller is regarded as the product’s default vendor. 

Unless noted, the system will automatically choose this vendor for replenishment, guaranteeing that the highest-priority vendor is always selected first. 

Same Vendor with Multiple Prices: If a single vendor offers multiple prices for the same products, such as varying prices based on quantity discounts or other criteria, Odoo will choose the lowest price available. 

The system analyzes the pricing structure, taking into account details such as the ordered quantity, and then selects the most cost-effective price for the replenishment order. 

Applying Discounts in Vendor Price-lists

Discount options are supported by the vendor's price-list in Odoo 18, allowing companies to take advantage of supplier discounts or bulk purchasing agreements. 

Discount Configuration: When generating a vendor price-list, you can set a discount % for certain products or categories. This can be handy if the merchant provides seasonal discounts. 

Automatic Application: The discount is immediately applied to the unit price when a purchase order satisfies the price-list's requirements (such as quantity or time). It is simpler to keep track of savings when the discount is displayed directly on the RFQ or purchase order.

Discount In Vendor Pricelist

Set the quantity to 10 units and provide a 20% discount on Large Cabinet. After saving the price-list, navigate to the Purchase > RFQ section and submit a new Request for Quotation. 

Choose the same vendor and product, Large Cabinet. Enter 10 for the quantity. 

The price list will be applied immediately as soon as the product and quantity are added. The order line will show that the product price has been adjusted to reflect the 20% reduction.

Discount In Purchase Order

In conclusion, this method allows users to manage vendor prices and lead times in Odoo 18. 

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