How To Manage All Your Social Marketing Channels Seamlessly In Odoo ?
The biggest challenges of a company to engage efficiently with their community and target audience. Odoo Social Marketing Module will help you with several supports : Social Media, Push Notifications or Live Chat requests.
Social Marketing is a great channel which allows websites and businesses to increase popularity over the internet by using different types of media like Video Marketing, Blogs, Sharing Photos over Social bookmarking and Social Marketing Websites.
The Social Marketing Module in Odoo will help you to manage your Social Profile better.
In this blog we are going to discuss how to work with “Odoo Social Marketing Module".
First step is to install the Social Marketing Module From the Odoo App Store.
Once you install this module, You will find the module in your app list.
Now open Social Marketing App and click on Feed button to add a stream
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Add Social Media and Create Feed
If you want to add your social media accounts,
Go to Social Marketing Module →Add a Stream → Select Social Media Account
Once you link a social account to Odoo Social Marketing, It will redirect it to the feeds.
Once we publish new feeds to our account then new columns will be automatically added as per social media account here.
It is easy to add new streams to the feeds and also it is easy to customize the kanban view as per need.
Once you add some social media accounts into your Feed, It will also add a few KPI on it.
Audience : It means followers of your Social Channel
Engagement : It means the count of engagement of the post which we have posted from our channel.
Stories : It is one kind of strategic approach by which we can check how many times people got engaged with your channel and shared or Retweeted your posts.
Content Publishing In Social Marketing App
Odoo Social Marketing module will allow individuals or teams to post to multiple accounts and different social networks from a Single platform so using Odoo Social Marketing modules you can publish your post to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.
To publish content in social apps,
Go to Social Marketing App → Feed → New Post
Here you can customize your post by adding images, Videos or labels etc
You can fill following details in a post
Post on Website
Attach Image
Push Notification Title
Push Target URL
Push Icon Image
Visitors Timezone
Enable Push Notifications In Website
By default Firebase account is used by Push Notifications so it will use it to send push notifications to website subscribers.
Go to Website → Settings → Configuration → Enable Web Push Notifications
Once you configure this in your website, A pop-up will occur to your website visitors to grant push notifications. Once visitors subscribe to it, You are able to send push notifications by visitor’s menu. You can send push notifications separately or choose a large audience by accepting various visitors in the list view.
Interact with Online Visitors
You can contact your audience or visitors by sending emails, Messages and Push Notification.
You can also track individual visitors or audiences that are on your webpage.
Configuration of Social Media Accounts In Module
The Social Marketing module is by default linked with Facebook and Twitter.
You can also configure your own accounts.
Go to Social Marketing → Configuration → Settings → Enter Your Own API Keys
Here we can create Social Media Campaigns.
Go to Social Marketing → Campaigns → Create
We can create different stages as per need and we can have different stages of campaigns.
To create a Campaign You can click on “Create” Button.
We can create campaigns. Once we create it, We can post it in our Social Media Account by clicking on the “Send Social Post” button. Also there is an option to Send SMS and Push Notifications by clicking on the button.
This is all about Odoo Social Marketing in Odoo which gives features to publish content, Live Chat with Online Visitors, Push Notification and Creation of Campaign which is modern way of Marketing.
CandidRoot, a leading Odoo implementation Company is always ready to help you for Implementation of Social Marketing Module for your business to manage your social profile efficiently and engage your target audience.